[VP; usu. impfv]
1. [subj: usu. concr]
to move from side to side or up and down with quick, jerky movements:
- X ходил ходуном•• X shook (violently <furiously>;
- X trembled (vibrated);
- [of the human body or a part of the body] X bobbed up and down;
- X quaked.
     ♦ Векслер видел, что рассказ его тронул меня, и наверное потому ходуном ходила его рука, когда он закуривал, отвернувшись от ветра (Чуковская 2).Veksler saw that the story had touched me and it was probably this that made his hand shake as he lit a cigarette, turning away against the wind (2a).
     ♦ Это бомбили уже советские самолёты, и в кромешной тьме взрывы бомб казались особенно близкими и мощными. Кровать так и ходила ходуном, и весь домик пошатывало, как при землетрясении (Кузнецов 1). It was Soviet planes that were doing the bombing, and in the pitch darkness the bomb explosions seemed to be particularly near and heavy. The bed trembled and the whole house shook as if it was an earthquake (1b).
     ♦ Огромная туша капитана колышется от смеха, брюхо трясётся и ходит ходуном (Марченко 2). The captain's huge frame shook with laughter, his belly bobbing up and down (2a).
2. [subj: usu. всё or a noun denoting a place and referring to the people in that place]
to be very agitated, in a state of unrest, agitation, turmoil:
- место X <всё в месте X> ходило ходуном•• there was a great commotion in place X;
- all hell broke loose in place X;
- place X was in a frenzy <an uproar>;
- everyone in place X was frantic.
     ♦ Семья готовилась к приезду гостей, и в доме всё ходило ходуном. The family was preparing for the arrival of their guests, and the house was in a frenzy.

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